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Monday, May 27, 2013

Question 2: Why do we buy bottled water?

Many people across the U.S. buy packs of bottled water every time they pay the grocery store a visit, but why? Why do we buy bottled water? Why do we need to spend money on "eco-friendly" water bottles when we can get perfectly good water from our sink? Not only can you get it from the tap, but most modern refrigerators are equipped with a built in water purification system. So are we just too lazy to use a re-usable bottle and drink the water from the fridge? I mean think of all the money we dish out on water! Why not save the planet and stop using disposable water bottles?! Feel free to comment your thoughts bellow! Re-visit my blog daily to see new posts and stay connected on all the action!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Question 1: Why are sloths becoming so popular?

The picture above is of a sloth, not a gorilla like in the movie King Kong. These types of pictures are increasing daily and makes me worry about America more and more everyday. Not only are people inserting these animals into pictures, but they are actually making merchandise... T-shirts, necklaces, rings.. I've even seen someone get a tattoo of one because they are "cute".  So the question is, why are sloths becoming so popular? I just want to know why and how? I mean who came up with the first sloth meme? Are they trying to embarrass themselves? Feel free to leave a comment on why you believe they are becoming so popular and enjoy these ridiculous sloth photos.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Is this where I put my title?

Greetings fellow bloggers! A stroke of genius has come upon me! Make a blog about anything and everything that comes to mind, people will love it! So my first post is a test run, lets see how many people will want to listen to my silly/awesome questions and give me feedback? Anyone? .... I never thought I'd make a blog, but all these questions keep coming to mind and no one to ask! So my next post will definitely be a question, a good one. I just have to narrow my list down and decide which answer I want most? Until then, keep checking in regularly to see what unforeseen question I will blow you're mind with! Oh, and enjoy this video of Olan Rogers, he seems like he could be a blogger too... http://youtu.be/cZO9tMetxno